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FAFEN Parliament Monitor – Senate of Pakistan 95th Session

During the Senate’s 95th session 46 senators took part in the debate on the federal budget for the financial year 2013-14. The Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics, Planning and Development submitted 113 recommendations on the Finance Bill.

The National Assembly incorporated 21 recommendations of the upper house in the federal budget. The budget debate lasted 12 hours and 35 minutes, consuming 61% of the session time. Seventeen PPPP Senators spoke on the budget, followed by nine PMLN, four each of PML and ANP, three JUIF, two MQM, one each of BNPA and PMLF and five independent Senators.

One-fifth of the Senators who took part in the budget debate were women. In the debate on the previous year’s budget session, this ratio was one-fourth. Out of the total 17 women Senators, nine (53%) took part in the budget debate. Thirty-seven (44%) of 84 male Senators debated the budget.

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