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Association for Creation of Employment (ACE)

Association for Creation of Employment (ACE)

Association for Creation of Employment (ACE) established under the societies Act (1860) in September 1997. Organization has the pride of being the pioneer member of FAFEN (Free and Fair election Network); it is implementing 4 years program funded by The Asia Foundation. ACE mission is “To increase productivity and income of the most disadvantaged group through participatory and financially viable approaches maximizing benefits to the poorest”.

ACE aims to reduce poverty through building capacities of communities and entrepreneurs to make them more productive and enhance their income generation potential.

The organization has executed various projects of Primary Education, Reproductive health, Enterprise Development, Micro Credit, Human Resource Development, and Good Governance of UNICEF, Netaid USA, NCHD, DFID, ILO, AJWS, SNPO and Small scale Enterprise Promotion (SSEP) Swiss Contact.