Free and Fair Election Network

Balochistan PA: Two Resolutions Adopted, Four Bills Introduced

ISLAMABAD, August 15, 2015: The Balochistan Assembly witnessed adoption of two resolutions and introduction of four bills during the fourth sitting of its 20th session on Saturday, says Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) in its daily factsheet.

The sitting started 90 minutes behind the schedule with 22 lawmakers (34%) present at the start and 9 (14%) at the time of adjournment. The House adopted two resolutions to introduce proper promotion criteria for provincial police officers and resolving the issue of withholding tax through meaningful dialogue with the traders.

Adviser to Chief Minister on Education introduced four bills including the Balochistan Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Bill 2015, the Balochistan Thalassemia Prevention and Protection Bill 2015, the Balochistan Industrial Relations Bill 2015 and the Balochistan Boiler and Pressure Vessels Bill 2015.

Following are some key observations of the assembly proceedings:

Members’ Participation in House Proceedings


Representation and Responsiveness

Order and Institutionalization


To download the factsheet, click here

This daily factsheet is based on direct observation of the Balochistan Assembly proceedings conducted by Center for Peace and Development (CPD) – a member organization of FAFEN. Errors and omissions are excepted.

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