Press ReleasesSenate Press Releases


Senate Press Releases

Senate Transacts Entire Agenda, Discusses Political Situation in Country

ISLAMABAD, October 16, 2020: The Senate transacted its entire agenda on Friday and discussed political situation in the country through points of public importance, observes...

Senate Transacts Entire Agenda, Discusses Matters of Public Importance

Session Prorogued ISLAMABAD, September 18, 2020: The Senate transacted its entire agenda on Friday and consumed 43 percent of the proceedings’ time in debate on...

Senate Transacts Entire Agenda, Rejects Anti-Terrorism Bill

ISLAMABAD, September 16, 2020: The Senate transacted its entire agenda on Wednesday and rejected the Anti-Terrorism (Third Amendment) Bill, 2020 with majority vote, observes Free...

Senate Refers Two FATF-Related Bills to Committees, Discusses Motorway Incident

ISLAMABAD, September 15, 2020: The Senate referred two FATF-related bills to the relevant committees and debated the motorway gang-rape incident, observes Free and Fair...

Points of Public Importance Consume Major Part of Senate Proceedings

Session Prorogued ISLAMABAD, August 26, 2020: The Senate took up its entire agenda on Wednesday and consumed major part of the proceedings in points...

Senate Transacts Entire Agenda, Rejects Two NA Approved Bills

ISLAMABAD, August 25, 2020: The Senate transacted its entire agenda on Tuesday and rejected two government bills which were passed by the National Assembly...

Senate Passes Three Private Members’ Bills

ISLAMABAD, August 24, 2020: The Senate adopted three resolutions and passed as many private members’ bills on Monday, observes Free and Fair Election Network...

NA Passes Four Government Bills, Leaves 58 percent Agenda Unaddressed

Session Prorogued ISLAMABAD, August 24, 2020: The National Assembly (NA) did not take up 58 percent agenda and passed four government bills on Monday,...

Senate Condoles Death of NP Chief Hasil Bizenjo

ISLAMABAD, August 21, 2020: The Senate adopted a condolence resolution on the sad demise of chief of National Party Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, who...

Senate Passes Two Govt. Bills with Amendments, Transacts Entire Regular Agenda

ISLAMABAD, August 19, 2020: The Senate while transacting the entire regular agenda passed two government bills, which were part of supplementary business on Wednesday,...

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