


Transgender Community Encouraged to Register with NADRA to Avail Health Benefits

ISLAMABAD, March 3, 2021: The Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) hosted an online discussion on accessible healthcare for the transgender community in...

National Assembly Meets for Five Minutes

ISLAMABAD, March 4, 2021: The National Assembly proceeded for only five minutes on Thursday and was prorogued without taking up any agenda, observes Free...

Punjab Assembly Refers Five Govt. Bills to Committees

ISLAMABAD, March 5, 2021: The Punjab Assembly witnessed introduction of five government bills on Friday which were referred to the relevant committees for consideration,...

Sindh PA Leaves Most of its Agenda Unaddressed

ISLAMABAD, March 5, 2021: The Provincial Assembly of Sindh left most of its agenda unaddressed and adopted a supplementary resolution on Friday, observes Free...

Prime Minister Gets Vote of Confidence in National Assembly

ISLAMABAD, March 6, 2021: Prime Minister Imran Khan got the vote of confidence in National Assembly and received 178 votes in his favor, observers...

Women Parliamentarians Performance Report 2020-21

Female Lawmakers Sponsor 28 Percent Parliamentary Agenda during 2020-21 ISLAMABAD, March 7, 2021: Constituting only 20 percent of the Parliament, female lawmakers contributed 28...

NA Leaves Most of Agenda Unaddressed amid Lack of Quorum

ISLAMABAD, March 29, 2021: The National Assembly left 96 percent of agenda unaddressed on Monday due to lack of quorum and consumed major part...

CIP Calls for Inclusive Electoral Reforms to Ensure Equitable Participation of Women, Transgender and PWDs in Future Elections

ISLAMABAD, June 18, 2021: Coalition for Inclusive Pakistan (CIP) has stressed upon the federal and provincial governments and legislatures to take effective measures to...

Sindh Assembly: Five lawmakers participate in debate on provincial budget

ISLAMABAD, June 24, 2021: The Sindh Assembly continued general discussion on provincial budget 2021-22 and five lawmakers took part in the debate, observes Free...

فافن کی جانب سے الیکٹرانک ووٹنگ مشین اور بیرون ملک ووٹنگ سے متعلق ترمیمی بل میں قانونی  خامیوں  کی نشاندہی

  آئندہ انتخابات کی ساکھ کیلئے انتخابی اصلاحات پر سیاسی اتفاق رائے کا مطالب اسلام آباد: فافن کی 11 ستمبر 2021 کو جاری کی گئی ایک...

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