Free and Fair Election Network

FAFEN Parliament Performance Update-VII 41% MNAs participated in National Assembly’s Seventeenth Session

ISLAMABAD, November 25, 2009: Around 41 percent members participated in the Seventeenth Session of the National Assembly held between November 2 and 16, 2009, says FAFEN Parliament Performance Update-VII (detailed Update attached).

This Update is based on direct observation of the Seventeenth Session of the National Assembly. FAFEN has been producing session-wise reports of the National Assembly since December 2008 as part of its Parliament Watch Project in an effort to collect and publish information about the job performance of parliamentarians as well as parliamentary parties by observing and documenting their actions in the legislatures. FAFEN intends to foster informed engagement between constituents and elected representatives in Pakistan by providing objective and statistically-sound information on parliamentary processes and decisions.

FAFEN’s trained observers attend sittings of parliament to directly observe parliamentary proceedings and collect information on all major types of parliamentary business via standardized observation checklists. However, FAFEN has yet to get institutional recognition by the National Assembly Secretariat for observing the assembly proceedings and has to rely on ad hoc measures.

Some of the key findings in FAFEN’s Parliament Performance Update-VII include.



Representation and Responsiveness


Order & Institutionalization

FAFEN’s key recommendations after observing the Seventeenth session of the National Assembly are as follows:

  1. National and Provincial Assembly sittings should be open to citizen observers who apply for accreditation through a standardized process. FAFEN takes this opportunity to reiterate its request for permanent accreditation to observe all Assemblies’ proceedings.
  2. The Assemblies should consider keeping a public record of parliamentary business similar to that presented in this FAFEN report so that constituents can be informed over time about the job performance of their elected representatives.
  3. Complete information (and relevant documents) about all Assemblies’ business should be available to all Members, especially regarding the progress of legislation, Calling Attention Notices (CANs), and other key policy decision-making processes. Such information should also be available to the public on the Assemblies’ websites and/or at the Assemblies’ Secretariats.
  4. Transcripts of all substantive discussion in the Assemblies on policy matters – especially debate on legislation – should be available on the Assemblies’ websites immediately after it takes place.
  5. Assembly Secretariats should keep records of the actual time spent by Members in the Assembly chambers and especially whether there is a Quorum. This information should be publicly available.
  6. No vote should be allowed by the Assemblies’ Speakers, especially on legislation, without a quorum.
  7. Efforts should be made to understand and address why approximately two-thirds of Members of the National Assembly did not participate actively in the Assembly’s Seventeenth Session and to track whether this problem continues in future sessions.
  8. All Ministers (or a designated representative of each Ministry and the Cabinet) must be required to be present during Question Hour at each relevant Assembly sitting. All questions must be responded to within a stipulated time frame. Transcripts of all questions, including the ones that the Assembly Secretariat finds inadmissible, and responses should be made available to Members and to the public and for the historical record.
  9. The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker should be responsible for ensuring that business planned in the ‘Orders of the Day’ is accomplished during each sitting or at least during a full session, particularly with regard to consideration of legislation, resolutions, and CANs. These policy matters are among the primary methods for elected legislators to represent constituents’ needs and concerns.
  10. Additional orientation and training for Assembly Members are needed regarding their fundamental responsibilities especially to their constituents as well as basic parliamentary procedures, particularly those that are commonly misused, such as Points of Order

 About FAFEN: FAFEN is a network of 42 civil society organizations working to foster democratic accountabilities in Pakistan. It is governed by Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability. 

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