Jaggarta Social Welfare Organization
Head of the Organization Name: Mr . Khalid Babbar
Brief Work Experience: JAGGARTA is involved in the women empowerment, socio- economic and rural development activities, on a self-help and participatory basis, particularly in the areas of women empowerment, capacity building, voters education, youth development , WASH, health, education, political education, peace, agriculture development, food security, poverty alleviation, and others with emphasis on child welfare, human rights, environment and community mobilization. To support, manage and implement its activities, JAGGARTA has an active force of Development Workers engaged in community mobilization and community development activities. Jaggarta worked with National and international Organization i.e Unicef, CWS, SAP-PK, Sindh Education Foundation, Muslim Aid, UNDP, Election Commission of pakistan. 
Contact Email: [email protected]
Mobile Number: 03023319533
Official Contact Number: 03343553908
Postal Address: Jaggarta House Juma Babar Colony, Ward No 7, Taluka Kot Ghulam Mohammad, District Mirpur Khas.
District: Mirpurkhas
Website: www.Jaggarta.org
Facebook: Faecbook.com/jaggarta
Twitter: Jaggarta