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Inside Parliament

Keep track of national and regional issues taken up by the National Assembly, Senate and the four provincial assemblies as Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) observers minutely detail the performance of the legislatures and legislators as and when they meet.

For the first time in Pakistan’s history get a detailed review of the four-year performance of the parliamentarians in the National Assembly – from the Orders of the Day to the plenary and lot more. The MP Scorecard is a unique effort to collate the parliamentary work of MNAs in the 13th National Assembly.

Launched in 2008, the Parliament Watch Project (PWP) is directly observing the six legislatures as a tool to evaluate parliamentary proceedings. The aim is to generate and share objective information for an informed engagement between the constituents and their elected representatives.

It gauges how transparent a legislature is in sharing information with the people, how actively legislators participate in proceedings, how promptly issues of national importance are taken up, what is the quality and quantity of parliamentary output, and how Members conduct themselves in the House.

Designed to collect general and specific information on the processes and the results of parliamentary deliberations, the project issues prompt daily factsheets when a legislature meets, followed by session-wise, annual and thematic reports.


Launched in 2008, the Parliament Watch (PW) aims at generating objective and statistically sound information about parliamentary performance to foster informed engagement between the constituents and their elected representatives. Universal access to information about national legislative processes is an essential component of democracy. A society cannot be truly democratic until constituents know about the person they are voting for, and whether or not these representatives are fulfilling their responsibilities. Since there is a dearth of publicly accessible information about political decision-making processes, e.g. parliamentary deliberations, the PW is an effort to bridge this gap. This report aims to contribute towards creating a more informed citizenry and an increasingly responsible Parliament. FAFEN has devised a robust methodology to observe parliamentary proceedings. A standardized observation checklist based on rules of procedure is used by Parliamentary observers, who attend sittings of Parliament to directly observe and collect information on all major types of parliamentary business.The information gathered is measured against the neutral and objective framework of the rules of parliamentary procedure.The collected information is analyzed and reported in the form of various products. A factsheet is released on the basis of each sitting of each session of the two Houses of the Parliament and four provincial assemblies. Session-wise reports are released at the end of each session while annual appraisals of the performance of individual members and the assemblies are done at the end of every parliamentary year. Moreover, thematic reports on the performance of women and minority parliamentarians and analyses of business are also developed and shared.