Free and Fair Election Network

Pakistan General Election 2008 Election Results Analysis

Pakistan General Election 2008 Election Results Analysis

From June 13 to July 18, 2007, FAFEN conducted Pakistan’s first statistically valid audit of the Draft Electoral Roll (2007). FAFEN conducted a List-to-People and People-to-List audit in electoral areas covered by 506 randomly selected Display Centers throughout the country – a methodology that has been tried and tested in many other countries. These Display Centers were selected in 500 randomly chosen Union Councils according to proportion of population of each province.

In addition, FAFEN observed the quality of processes implemented by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) Display Center Information Officers (DCIOs) in order to analyze their fairness, neutrality, and transparency, based on the ECP’s Manual of Instruction. FAFEN’s qualitative observation was conducted at about 21,000 (out of 45,000) Display Centers.

Additionally, more than 3,000 DCIOs and 25,400 people visiting the Display Centers were interviewed to gauge their perceptions about the processes inside the centers. FAFEN also studied the activities of political parties and civil society organizations during the Display Period to analyze their level of interest in the process at more than 5,500 locations of the four provinces. A total of 754 FAFEN static and mobile observers, duly trained for their multifaceted tasks, were employed to carry out this research.

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