Free and Fair Election Network

Sindh Assembly Leaves 65% Agenda Unaddressed

ISLAMABAD, March 03, 2015: The Sindh Assembly left five private motions and six amendments to the Rules of Procedure unaddressed on Tuesday, says Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN).

The sitting started 48 minutes behind the schedule with 18 members (11%) present at the start and 67 (39%) at the time of adjournment. The Leader of the House did not attend the sitting, while the Opposition Leader was present for 70% of the proceedings.

The House adopted three resolutions during the sitting, demanding action against illegal construction of high-rise buildings in Karachi, steps for issuance of CNICs in Orangi Town (Karachi) and procurement of wheat by the provincial government.

On the other hand, two resolutions dealing with proper utilization of funds by Town Municipal Administrations and barring the sale of land to Bahria Town and other housing schemes at a discounted rate were rejected.

Following are some key observations of the assembly business:

Members’ Participation in the House Proceedings


Representation and Responsiveness

Order and Institutionalization


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 The daily factsheet is based on direct observation of the Sindh Assembly proceedings conducted by Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) – a member organization of FAFEN. Errors and omissions are excepted.

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