Free and Fair Election Network

Sindh Assembly Transacts Two-Third Agenda Amid Low Attendance During 3rd Session

ISLAMABAD, November 27, 2018: The Provincial Assembly of Sindh transacted two-third of its scheduled business during third session, comprising 11 sittings that continued between November 9, 2018 and November 26, 2018, observes Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) in its session report.

The low attendance of the lawmakers was marked during the session as an average of 47 lawmakers (28%) were observed to be present at the start and 55 members (33%) percent at the end of each sitting. The cumulative duration of the session was 28 hours and seven minutes. Each sitting, on average, started 54 minutes behind the scheduled time and lasted two hours and 33 minutes.

The Leader of the House attended three out of 11 sittings and remained present for the 15 percent of the session’s time, while the Opposition Leader was present in five sittings and attended 45 percent of the proceedings.

The regular agenda brought before the House during third session comprised five government bills, 10 resolutions, 39 Call Attention Notices (CANs), seven amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business, 11 adjournment Motions, six private motions and one Questions of Privilege.

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