PublicationsGovernance Monitoring


Governance Monitoring

670 Murder FIRs Registered in 60 Districts During December 2010

ISLAMABAD, March 8, 2011: A total of 23,439 First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered with the police in 67 districts monitored by the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) during the month of December 2010. Of the total registered crimes, 1,422 cases (6%) pertained to murder and attempted murder, according to FAFEN’s monthly Pakistan Crime Monitor, the first report of which was released here Tuesday.

30 Suspected HIV cases Detected in December 2010

Thirty (30) cases of suspected Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and six cases of Probable Poliomyelitis were reported in four districts during December 2010, according to FAFEN’s monthly Health Scan, a report based on the compilation of data of the cases of a selection of diseases collected by the Offices of Executive District Officers (Health) across Pakistan.

38% Boys High Schools Lack Libraries, Playgrounds

As many as 38% government boys high schools do not have a library, 40% lack playgrounds and 42% do not have security guards, according to FAFEN’s monitoring of state-run boys high schools across the country during January, 2011. The government needs to resolve infrastructural issues and ensure the availability of key facilities in order to improve standards of secondary education in the country, says FAFEN’s Education Institution Monitor released here Monday.

Girls Primary Schools Lack Non-Teaching Staff, Arrangements for Drinking Water

Government Girls’ Primary Schools lack non-teaching staff and arrangement of clean drinking water for students, according to FAFEN Education Monitor, based on the monitoring of 137 Girls Primary Schools in 87 districts of four provinces and FATA.

Weak Physical Infrastructure of Dispensaries Warrants Urgent Government Attention

ISLAMABAD, January 31, 2011: The physical infrastructure of state-run dispensaries needs urgent attention of government as buildings of more than 37% of 111 dispensaries, monitored by FAFEN during the month of December were in dilapidated condition.

Inadequate Maternity Care Infrastructure at BHUs

ISLAMABAD, January 2, 2011: Basic Health Units (BHUs) across the country are significantly deficient in the provision of maternity services as a significant percentage of the BHUs monitored during November 2010 lacked essential infrastructure and supplies such as labor rooms and delivery kits that are critical to safe child births.

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